Unknown - NBC Sports Moscow Poster, 1980

22 x 18 ″

The poster is a photograph that displays multiple performers waving colorful flags and banners at the opening cermony for the 1980 Moscow Games
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22 x 18 ″

The poster is a photograph that displays multiple performers waving colorful flags and banners at the opening cermony for the 1980 Moscow Games
22 x 18 ″

The poster is a photograph that displays multiple performers waving colorful flags and banners at the opening cermony for the 1980 Moscow Games
Armando Testa - Roman She-Wolf 1960 Olympic Games Poster, 1960
Hiro Yagamata - 1996 Gymnast, 1996
Unknown - Olympic Rings and Dove, 1980
Unknown - Steve Scott 1984, 1984